Living With War

Neil Young - 2006

Name DR Peak DB Average DB
1 - Neil Young - After the Garden 11 -0.21 -12.41
2 - Neil Young - Living With War 10 -0.22 -12.05
3 - Neil Young - The Restless Consumer 12 -0.65 -14.49
4 - Neil Young - Shock and Awe 12 -0.23 -13.77
5 - Neil Young - Families 12 -0.40 -13.92
6 - Neil Young - Flags of Freedom 12 -0.36 -14.74
7 - Neil Young - Let's Impeach the President 12 -0.35 -13.9
8 - Neil Young - Lookin' for a Leader 13 -0.46 -15.79
9 - Neil Young - Roger and Out 14 -0.80 -16.53
10 - Neil Young - America the Beautiful 11 -0.37 -16.44

Album Information

Artist Neil Young
Album Living With War
Release year 2006
Album DR 12
Minimum DR 10
Maximum DR 14
Source CD
Label Reprise Records
Label code (optional) 0322
Catalog number 9362-44335-2
Barcode 093624433521
Country EU